November 21, 2017 Issue 03
Despite our city's challenges, we need more than ever to intensely focus on activities that will advance student achievement. I am eager to help invigorate the next era of opportunity in our capital city.
Phil Waldeck
Chair of the Achieve Hartford! Board of Directors
Pursuing Educational Equity
By Achieve Hartford!
When Phil Waldeck became chairperson of the Board of Directors in 2016, he pledged Achieve Hartford! would focus more intently than ever on activities that will advance student achievement. Since that time, Achieve Hartford! has redoubled the organization's efforts to make real change that improves outcomes for students. This month's announcement of a new direction for Achieve Hartford! comes after significant internal deliberation and reflects how we as an organization can address unmet needs in our city.
All IN! Stakeholder Caucus: The Talent Around Us
By Achieve Hartford!
Here’s a part of the urban workforce development debate you may not know about: Connecticut’s aging population is putting more pressure on employers and industries to replenish the rapidly retiring talent pipeline.

Major cities, such as Hartford, will be responsible for 40% of Connecticut’s employment in the coming 10-15 years. But, with only 26% of Hartford students obtaining post-secondary diplomas, this is resulting in a talent gap often referred to as the middle skills gap.
2016-17 SBAC: How did Hartford Students Perform?
By Achieve Hartford!
Following a student’s growth from year to year gives a bigger picture of curriculum and teaching effectiveness. The Connecticut State Department of Education adopted a growth model with the belief that all students in grades 4 through 8 should demonstrate growth each year in ELA and Mathematics. Click through to our third SBAC mini-report for a closer look at Hartford student’s growth performance.
Achieve Hartford!'s newest team member Daiana Lambrecht, coalition organizer lead talks about her work and the power of Grasstops organizing.
Published Nov 09, 2017
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By The Scribes Institute
Education Matters Issue 03

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